Lindsley & Grell, 1972, p. 82-83
location: 3-70.7.
origin: Spontaneous.
discoverer: E. M. Wallace, 12b1s.
references: Bridges and Morgan, 1923, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ, No. 327: 50 (fig.).
phenotype: Body color shining black. Puparia much lighter than wild type. Classifiable throughout larval period by darkened color of spiracle sheaths (Brehme, 1941, Proc, Natl. Acad, Sci. U-S. 27: 254-61). Viability lowered to about 80 percent wild type. Heterozygote has slightly darker body color than normal. For interaction with other body color mutants, see Waddington, 1941, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Ser. A lll: 173-180. Virtually unable to incorporate C14 from labeled beta-alanine into puparium or hardening adult integument, whereas normal flies incorporate heavily; e/+ incorporates intermediate amounts (Jacobs and Brubaker, 1963, Science 139: 1282-83; Jacobs, 1966, Genetics 53: 777-84). RK1.
cytology: Placed in salivary chromosome region between Q3B7 and 93F9, on the basis of its inclusion in both Df(3R)e100.172 = Df(3R)93B7-10;93F10-94A1 and Df(3R)93A5-B1 (Ward and Alexander, 1957, Genetics 42: 42-54).
color figure: P. A. Otto (original)
photograph: P. A. Otto (original)