Lindsley & Grell, 1972, p. 64
location: 1-13.7.
origin: Spontaneous.
discoverer: Bridges, 19l12.
references: 1920, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 6: 660-63. Weinstein 1920, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 6: 625-39 (fig.).
phenotype: Crossveins absent or traces only present. Veins L3 and L4 slightly delta at tips. Classifiable in unexpanded wings. Wing effects due to excessive contraction in the pupal period, obliterating the cavity which should normally remain between the epithelia to form the vein (Waddington, 1940, J. Genet. 41: 75-139). RK1.
cytology: Salivary chromosome studies by Demerec and Sutton show locus to lie from 4F1-2 through 5D1-2 inclusive (Demerec, Kaufmann, Fano, Sutton, and Sansome, 1942, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Year Book 41: 191). Region can be narrowed to 4F9 through 5D2 on basis of inclusion of cv+ in Dp(1;1)yb1 = Dp(1;1)1B2-3;4F8-9;5D4-5 (Lindsley).
color figure: P. A. Otto (original)
b & w figure: Weinstein, A., 1920, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 6: 625-39.
photograph: P. A. Otto (original)