CLEFT [cf]
Lindsley & Grell, 1972, p. 49
location: 1-65.6.
origin: Spontaneous.
discoverer: Bridges, l4j28.
references: Morgan, Bridges and Sturtevant, 1925, Bibliog. Genet. 2: 55 (fig.).
phenotype: Wings smaller and somewhat spread. L3 split just beyond first crossvein; extra crossveins and branches. Gap in L4 beyond second crossvein. Males sterile. Viability good. RK2.
color figure: P. A. Otto (original)
b & w figure: Morgan, Bridges and Sturtevant, 1925, The Genetics of Drosophila, Bibliog. Genet. 2: 1-262 (original drawn by Edith M. Wallace)