Lindsley & Grell, 1972, p. 196
location: 1-54.5.
discoverer: Morgan, l0f.
references: 1915, Am. Naturalist 49: 240-50. Morgan and Bridges, 1916, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. No. 237: 25 (fig.). Morgan, Bridges, and Sturtevant, 1925, Bibliog. Genet. 2: 24, 56-57, 234 (fig.).
phenotype: Wings obliquely truncated to about tip of abdomen; marginal hairs sparse and ruffled; veins L4 and L5 generally shortened. Wings usually arclike and often blistered. Viability irregular. Female usually sterile in cross with r male but occasionally gives a few offspring (mostly daughters) in outcross. RK2.
other information: The r locus was subdivided into six complementation groups by Fahmy and Fahmy (1959, Nature 184: 1927-29) and into at least three groups, on the basis of both complementation and recombination analysis, by Green (1963, Genetica 34: 242-53). Unfortunately, the two analyses were performed on different groups of mutants, and the maps cannot be correlated. Complementation varies from partial to complete and the degree may be related to distance apart on the complementation map.
color figure: P. A. Otto (original)
b & w figure: Morgan, Bridges and Sturtevant, 1925, The Genetics of Drosophila, Bibliog. Genet. 2: 1-262 (original drawn by Edith M. Wallace)